Local Artist Portfolio Submission Form
Are you a local artist with a passion for movies? Would you want to potentially collaborate with the Hollywood Theatre or Movie Madness on merch designs? Well send us your portfolio! We'd love to check it out! 

Submitting your portfolio does not guarantee a response from us. We appreciate you taking the time to fill this form out and are excited to see your work. We have many exciting projects coming up and want to prioritize working with local artists. 
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Email *
Do you have a website portfolio? If so, tell us your website in the field below.  *
Do you have any social media accounts for your art? Tell us your usernames in the field below.  *
Do you have any specific skills or styles you lean into more than others? What mediums do you use? *
If you could describe your art with a film genre, what genre would it be? *
List some of your artistic influences - film related or otherwise. *
Do you have experience with creating art for screen printing or risographs? Have any of your designs ever been put on apparel? Do you have any examples? If so, please let us know where we can see them!  *
Interested in: *
If interested in doing an event at Movie Madness, please provide a proposal in a few sentences.
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