20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (silent)

Captain Nemo built a fantastic submarine for a mission of revenge. He has traveled over 20,000 leagues in search of Charles Denver - a man who caused the death of Princess Daaker. In elaborate flashback scenes to India, Nemo reveals that he is Prince Daaker, and he created the Nautilus to seek revenge on Denver. Meanwhile, soldiers in a runaway Union Army Balloon are marooned on a mysterious island where they find a wild girl living alone ("a child of nature"). Who is the wild girl and what happens to Denver and Nemo? 

This film became famous for its groundbreaking work in underwater photography by George M. Williamson and J. Ernest Williamson. The film uses plot elements of Jules Verne's "The Mysterious Island" as well as "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea." The Saturday 2:00 pm matinee features live Unit Orchestra accompaniment with a special score created by Dean Lemire.
