Series: Portland Latin American Film Festival

Saturday, October 1 at 4pm  |  $9

Pilo is a 10 year old boy who lives with his mother in a small house, located on one of the asteroids of the belt that surrounds a giant blue planet. Every night Pilo stares at the stars from his balcony, waiting for them to disappear from the sky. According to his grandfather, there is a machine that generates stars every night, and if one day it goes off and stars go blue, a member of his family will be the one to repair the machine. Pilo daydreams about the legend and looks forward to the day it becomes true and real, so he can join his grandpa in repairing the machine. What he does not suspect is that when this happens, he will be on his own. This way, Pilo will experience a great adventure on his way to repairing the machine, so that the stars can go back to the ad infinitum. This trip will change him completely and for good, confronting the family destiny, becoming man and hero.

"This is a film that deals with science fiction for children with honest narrative resources and with a more than acceptable technical finish," Batle Diego, La Nacion

Pilo es un niño extraterrestre, vive con su madre en una pequeña casa en uno de los asteroides del cinturón que rodea al planeta Ankj. Todas las noches sale a su balcón esperando que las estrellas hayan desaparecido del cielo; según su abuelo, existe una máquina que genera las estrellas cada noche, y los miembros varones de su familia son los encargados de repararla. Día tras día su abuelo le cuenta historias de cuando él era el reparador. Pilo alucina con ellas y espera el día en que las estrellas desaparezcan, para poder acompañarlo en la próxima reparación. Sin saber, en realidad, que cuando eso suceda, él tendrá que cargar solo con la responsabilidad. Así, Pilo vivirá una enorme aventura viajando a reparar la máquina para devolverle las estrellas al universo. El viaje lo cambiará para siempre, convirtiéndolo en hombre y en héroe.

“Se trata de un film que aborda la ciencia ficción para chicos con recursos narrativos honestos y con un más que aceptable acabado técnico”, Diego Batle, La Nación.



Saturday, October 1