Behold the glittering jewel in the bakelite crown of a dying Soviet Union: The Moscow State Circus! Come one, come all! It’s entertainment every comrade can enjoy! Young or old, poor or poorer — the Soviet Circus inspired national pride in every citizen, and with good reason. After all, what’s more Russian than a seven-year-old tiger tamer? Join archivists Ioana and Garrett as we peek behind the curtain and meet the People’s performers and witness their incredible talent and lives of luxury — relative luxury, anyway. Featuring sing-alongs for the proletariat, state-sponsored animation, and other 16mm oddities from the Nyback collection, this show will prepare you to start a revolution, become a clown, or both. Trippy t-shirts and stickers for sale before and after the show.
Run time: 2 hours approx.
Format: 16mm
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