Released in 1951, BELLISSIMA (108 min) stars legendary Italian actress Anna Magnani as Maddelena, a working class mother in Rome who is desperate to get her young daughter Maria (Tina Apicella) cast in a film by Alessandro Blassetti. Her efforts become increasingly frenzied and desperate in this surprisingly cynical, comedic, and touching social critique.
In this class, we’ll explore Visconti’s handling of themes such as parent-child dysfunction and the exploitative nature of the film industry itself, as well as the film’s place within the broader canon of Italian Neorealist cinema. This course will be taught by visiting assistant instructor Anna Weltner, a writer and documentary filmmaker.
In this class, we’ll explore Visconti’s handling of themes such as parent-child dysfunction and the exploitative nature of the film industry itself, as well as the film’s place within the broader canon of Italian Neorealist cinema. This course will be taught by visiting assistant instructor Anna Weltner, a writer and documentary filmmaker.
Class size will be limited to 18.
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