Movie Madness University Online takes a deep dive into Joe Dante’s 1989 cult classic THE BURBS. When a new family moves into his neighborhood, uptight suburbanite Ray Peterson (Tom Hanks) soon begins to suspect that there’s more to his eccentric new neighbors than meets the eye...
In this MMU Online seminar, instructor Kia Geraths explores the horror comedy tradition, traces director Joe Dante’s trajectory as a filmmaker, and examines the film’s use of improv comedy.
The lecture is meant to be watched before watching the film. Then, find and watch the film on your own, and finish up with the recording of the live Q&A (where spoilers will almost certainly be discussed!)
For each course, the "click to stream" button will take you to a Vimeo showcase that contains two videos. Watch the lecture first, and then select the discussion from the dropdown menu in the Vimeo player.
In general, the Hollywood Theatre does not provide content advisories about the subject matter shown in our theatre. Films exhibited don’t necessarily reflect the views of the Hollywood Theatre. Information about content and age-appropriateness for specific films can be found on Common Sense Media and