A tense game of cat-and-mouse unfolds as a young woman (Hayley Erin) flees a mysterious facility, evading a savvy agent (Sonya Walger) with nothing to lose as the stakes rise to apocalyptic proportions in this dark, genre-bending, and surprisingly intimate thriller. A breakout on the festival circuit, NEW LIFE has been hailed as one of the most original and moving horror films of the year by critics including Collider, RogerEbert.com and SlashFilm.
Filmed in Oregon in 2022, NEW LIFE is having its official Oregon Premiere with this special screening. Filmmakers will be in attendance.
Filmed in Oregon in 2022, NEW LIFE is having its official Oregon Premiere with this special screening. Filmmakers will be in attendance.
In general, the Hollywood Theatre does not provide content advisories about the subject matter shown in our theatre. Films exhibited don’t necessarily reflect the views of the Hollywood Theatre. Information about content and age-appropriateness for specific films can be found on Common Sense Media and DoesTheDogDie.com.