ROADIE, the rock n roll odyssey of Travis Redfish (Meatloaf), a Texas good ol boy, who macguyvers a broken tour bus back together destined for a Hank Williams Jr. concert, and finds himself the highest desired roadie in the music business! Travis falls hard for Alice Cooper groupie Lola Bouillabaisse (Kaki Hunter) and finds himself torn between a high prestige Heavy Metal career that comes so easy to him, and the yearning to return to small town life. 1980’s ROADIE is an underseen rock n’ road movie filmed exclusively in Texas and features live musical numbers by Alice Cooper, Blondie, Roy Orbison , and Hank Williams Jr. Topped with a killer soundtrack with the title tune by Cheap Trick, “ Everything will work out if you let it!”
Director: Alan Rudolph
Format: Digital
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