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Supporting Our Community

Community Benefit Screenings

Want to host your fundraiser at the state-of-the-art Hollywood Theatre? If your organization is looking to fundraise by celebrating cinema and attracting new audiences and old friends, we encourage you to apply to our Community Benefit Screening program! If selected, our programming staff will work with you to suggest a film that will attract the largest possible audience. 100% of proceeds from these events will go to your organization, less costs for film exhibition and licensing costs.

Movie Madness Miniplex Rental Donations

The Hollywood Theatre also operates Movie Madness, Portland’s iconic video rental store on SE Belmont that houses an 18-seat, state-of-the-art screening room, lovingly dubbed the Movie Madness Miniplex. The Miniplex is a perfect venue for small events, private parties and of course, screening any one of the 90,000 films in the Movie Madness collection. We’ll provide staffing, film booking, and technical assistance for the event. If your organization would like to use the Miniplex, please complete an application.

Fiscal Sponsorship Program

The Hollywood Theatre is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit offering fiscal sponsorship to approved Oregon-based film projects that both support the Hollywood’s mission and are actively seeking project funding. The Hollywood Theatre has been fiscally sponsoring a variety of film projects since 2003, helping established, independent filmmakers create new, thoughtful works for the silver screen. The Hollywood Theatre also grants fiscal sponsorship to film festivals and other educational programs with missions appropriate to ours, to help support their work.


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