The epic theatrical retelling of “THE VISION OF ESCAFLOWNE” on the big screen, with accompanying mecha market!
Hitomi, a depressed high school student, finds herself being called to the mysterious world of Gaea, a fantastic parallel world embroiled in a bloody war and hanging on the brink of destruction. Waking up inside the dragon armor Escaflowne she meets Van, a young prince who is embroiled in the conflicting war. Van seeks Escaflowne to destroy all his enemies; Hitomi, confused about her role, causes the armor to disappear. Both Hitomi and Van are pulled into the center of the war with Hitomi's wish of destruction or salvation setting the fate of Gaea.
This screening will be preceded by a Mecha pop-up market! For an hour before the show, join us for a sale of Mecha model kits, local mecha art and vintage toys.
Available: Assistive Listening
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