The fully uncensored US theatrical cut of FIST OF THE NORTH STAR returns to the big screen!
After the world is ravaged by a nuclear holocaust, the remnants of mankind fight over the little food and water left. Strong men torment the weak and wreak havoc in an already devastated world. A savior emerges, Kenshiro, who seeks to punish the cruel oppressors of the new world and create a livable wasteland for the common people. After the betrayal of his close friend, he has nothing left to lose.
This will be a presentation of the US theatrical 35mm print which originally toured theaters in 1991. This cut is uncensored with the original theatrical ending which was removed in Japanese home video releases!
A holiday anime market will take place leading up to the show including local art, anime VHS, manga and more!
The Sonder Listening Bar just across the street from Hollywood Theatre will be hosting an afterparty with themed drinks and an all-vinyl DJ set after the show!
Available: Assistive Listening
Assistive listening devices for audio enhancement are available from our Box Office for any film (excluding live introductions/music/Q&A portions of a given event).
In general, the Hollywood Theatre does not provide content advisories about the subject matter shown in our theatre. Films exhibited don’t necessarily reflect the views of the Hollywood Theatre. Information about content and age-appropriateness for specific films can be found on Common Sense Media and DoesTheDogDie.com.