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Grindhouse Film Festival

The Grindhouse Film Festival screens 35mm prints from the exploitation heyday of the 1970’s and early 80’s. Genres covered include horror, crime, blaxploitation, sexploitation, hicksploitation, revenge films, biker films and more. Vintage 35mm trailers play before each film. In addition to being a cinematic study, this series is also a sociological study of the time period these movies came out of. Some of the movies are offensive, some are sexist, some are excessively violent. It’s the responsibility of the series to show these films, even if some of them are extremely controversial.

Dan Halsted, the Hollywood’s Head Programmer, is the organizer and founder of the Grindhouse Film Festival. He is passionate about the caliber of the films in this series and believes they are an important part of cinema history that deserve to be seen on the big screen in their original format, 35mm film.

VICE SQUAD in 35mm

Tuesday, Sep 24th

Pieces in 35mm

Tuesday, Oct 22nd